
Visitors are invited to attend one of our monthly meetings to learn more about Cape Fear Orchid Society and meet some of our members. Membership dues are only $25 per year (single or couple membership), which help the organization offset the costs of guest speakers. We encourage members to show their blooming orchids on our show table at each meeting, and points are awarded to those participate as well as those who win best of show and first place. The member with the highest number of points at the end of the year is recognized for this achievement.
Besides the monthly show table, a guest speaker is scheduled for each meeting, many of whom also sell orchid plants and/or supplies to our meeting attendees. In addition, there is also a regular raffle at each meeting where plants, supplies and/or reading materials are donated by members each month. Proceeds from the raffle also go towards monthly speaker fees and expenses.
Members also receive a monthly newsletter (email or mail), which provides organization news, recap of the last meeting as well as orchid tips and tricks.
To view more information for new members, please click on this link, New Membership Information.
For current members wishing to renew their membership, please click on this link... Membership Renewal .
Members: Don't forget to complete the linked form and bring it WITH YOU to the next meeting if you plan to show plants. Link: Exhibitor's Form
Besides the monthly show table, a guest speaker is scheduled for each meeting, many of whom also sell orchid plants and/or supplies to our meeting attendees. In addition, there is also a regular raffle at each meeting where plants, supplies and/or reading materials are donated by members each month. Proceeds from the raffle also go towards monthly speaker fees and expenses.
Members also receive a monthly newsletter (email or mail), which provides organization news, recap of the last meeting as well as orchid tips and tricks.
To view more information for new members, please click on this link, New Membership Information.
For current members wishing to renew their membership, please click on this link... Membership Renewal .
Members: Don't forget to complete the linked form and bring it WITH YOU to the next meeting if you plan to show plants. Link: Exhibitor's Form